Thursday, January 25, 2007

How Fox Became Red

Soon, the forest began to open up and they made better time. They weren't in no great hurry, beings as how they didn't rightly know where they was goin' but it was more peaceful when Ket didn't have to be cuttin' his way through the underbrush most all day.

Nightdancer came racing by the wagon, all black legs and mane and tail flying. His white body gleamed in the sunlight as he bucked and kicked at an offendin' bush.

"I was a bit worried about him keepin' up" Ket laughed, as the colt doubled back by them, racing back to his dam. "But I think what with him runnnin' circles all the time, he'll do more travelin' per mile than we do."

"He's pretty tuckered at night," Senta replied. "Niether Night nor Moondapple are big horses, he looks like he's goin' to top them both, the way he's grown."

Ket shrugged. "Night's sire was a bigun. Night was born in a drought year, allus thought that might be why he never growed as big. He's strong though, and smarter than his pappy. His dam was smart too. My luck, most tothers wanted a horse with size, no matter how stupid. Some said his dam was mebbe Panther blessed, she wuz so smart."

Night, hearing his name, trotted up beside the wagon seat. Senta laughed "He's sure 'nuf the right color for it, I'll grant you that. " Nightdancer charged by again, with Moondapple close on his heels. Night took off after them, all three horses tossing their heads in play. Bevin, a shaggy ox-like creature that pulled the wagon shook his horns and broke into a trot.

"Enough, Bevin," Senta said to him. "Don't you wear yourself out with their silliness." The beast slowed back down to his usual shambling gait.

Flighty emerged from the back of the wagon where she had been asleep among a tumble of fox kits and jumped to the seat beside Senta. After a long stretch, she bounded out onto Bevin's broad back and daintly made her way down his harness to the big padded collar. Bevin lifted his nose in the air, sniffing. Hind quarters firmly settled on the collar, she placed her front feet firmly on the mat of hair that grew between his horns. Bevin snorted contendedly as the cat began to rumble.

"That cat seems to jest be along to provide comfort for all the other animals." Senta observed. "Last night she were curled up on Nightdancer, jest as smug as could be."

"Mebbe more Panther in that cat than most," Ket agreed, "though I don't know as I'd exactly allow how smart she is, with all the trouble she causes."

"Tell me a story about Panther, Ket." Senta pleaded. "I never got to hear all the ones you told at the smithy."

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